The Testimony of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I (NEW EDITION)

I greet All our visitors in the precious name of Our Lord and Saviour of the World; Jesus Christ; Yahshua the Messiah.

He Yahshua, Jesus, has, through His Holy Spirit, graciously revealed Himself to members of the Rastafari community through His Elect, His Anointed instrument, His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I, the 225th descendant of the Royal House of King David and King Solomon through Union with Queen of Sheba of Ethiopia.

I must also of necessity add that Christ, through His grace and gifted Holy Spirit, has revealed Himself and His message to me through other anointed persons, rightly dividing the word of truth in Scripture, and especially through the personal intimate relationship I have been blessed to have with The Father through Him, Jesus Christ.

The Grace and Peace of the Father and His Son Jesus Christ, Yahshua the Messiah, be to the House of all “them that love our Lord Jesus Christ  sincerely.”

This website officially launches itself and the Second Edition of The Testimony of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I, Defender of the Faith.

It is an open door to all persons of goodwill who seek the truth and understanding of the growth of Rastafari Theology, which as I speak and write is being redefined, enlightened, and shaped by the progressive revelation of the true, real and historic facts about our Christian Emperor and Christian Empress of the Oldest Christian nation in the World.

Although the “mission-field,” the seed-bed designated or targeted by the Gospel Testimony of His Imperial Majesty as recorded in this book and website, is my Rastafari Community,  all readers would benefit from paying attention to these testimonies. Whether they be adherents of the Christian faith, or of other religious persuasions, ‘casual bystanders,’ ‘casual observers,’ or any seekers of truth,  you are welcomed to participate and be enlightened by “The Testimony of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I,” the most modern contemporary and former representative of the World’s oldest Biblical throne, the throne of King David and the 134th Christian King of the world’s oldest Christian nation, Ethiopia.

You will definitely learn much from this Rastafari Theological journey and its unique development outside the confines of  Eurocentric colonial Christian symbols and interpretation and learn of Africa and its surrounding landmass as being the main setting of Biblical history, and her people as major players in the Biblical episodes.

Without any further ado, by the grace, blessings and guidance of the Most High, Zewd Publishers releases this Second Edition, December 2019,  of “The Testimony of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I, Defender of the Faith” by Karl Phillpotts, Bro Naphtali.